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  • Writer's pictureAlthea Mae Kava Torres

How to MAKE IT and NOT Fake it as a VA

Updated: Apr 12, 2023

Welcome to My Blog! The FIRST of MANY to come...

Hi I'm Althea,

I'm here for you. I am a Virtual Assistant and a Mom - - - I know the doubts, the fear and even the guilt we go through when we think about going into Freelancing while caring for the family and the household, whether it's leaving a corporate or well-paid job and just getting out of your comfort zone to try something new.

"Do one thing every day that scares you."

- Eleanor Roosevelt -

FEAR is often defined as "Fear Everything And Run" but I look at it as Face Everything And RISE! Now, if something doesn't scare you into trying then you are not growing.

It's OK, it will all be OK...

Taking the first step is never easy and one small change or decision can have an enormous impact on your life.

Let's Do This TOGETHER!

Freelance Filipino Virtual Assistant Althea

I believe that when people start supporting each other, AMAZING THINGS CAN HAPPEN.

I will be sharing, my thoughts, experiences and tips to make it into Freelancing while being a stay-at-home-mom and all other fun things under the sun.

Stay tuned and see you soon!

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